GiveLe Gallais & Luce's Christmas tree raises money for BSK

Le Gallais & Luce’s Christmas tree raises money for BSK

Law firm Le Gallais & Luce have created a “Giving Christmas Tree” to raise money for Beresford Street Kitchen (BSK).

From Wednesday 12th December, Hotel Chocolat crackers will adorn the Christmas tree in Le Gallais & Luce’s reception, some of which will include a mystery star prize. Clients and business partners of the firm have been invited to pop in and purchase a cracker for a minimum donation of £10 and find out if they have won a prize.

All cracker donations will go directly to BSK so people are encouraged to give generously. The highest donation will win a voucher for an overnight stay at Longueville Manor, which has been very kindly donated by Jane Power at Gaudin & Co.

BSK offers people with learning disabilities and autism the chance to develop workplace skills and engage with the community in an inclusive, safe and supportive environment.

Managing Partner of Le Gallais & Luce, Marianne Shaw, explained the reason behind partnering with BSK:

“The ethos of Beresford Street Kitchen resonates with us as a firm, because we too are passionate about nurturing skills and training young people. We regularly take on students during the holiday periods, and have previously received feedback from proud parents telling us how their child’s confidence has grown through working at our firm, which we can often see for ourselves first hand.”

Georgie Dodd, Fundraising Manager of BSK said:

“We are grateful to Le Gallais & Luce for their fundraising efforts and to everyone who has so generously donated prizes. There are some super prizes up for grabs on the Giving Christmas Tree, from an overnight stay at Longueville Manor to a bottle of champagne, so it’s really worth trying your luck!”

Le Gallais & Luce’s offices are located at 6 Hill Street, St Helier and opening hours are 9am- 5pm Monday-Friday. Be quick, once the prizes are gone, they’re gone!

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