Genuine ArticlesDoug Richardson

Doug Richardson

Genuine Jersey member, Doug Richardson is from one of Jersey’s oldest farming families, having played a part in shaping our farming history since the early 1500s. With farming incomes under ever increasing pressure their strong desire not to merely survive but to thrive has resulted in them creating their own brand of Jersey Royals, which are not only very popular locally but they’re also able to deliver “Richardson’s Jersey Royals” to a wider audience.

What is it that makes Richardson’s Jersey Royals special?

Our potatoes are hand picked and gently packed within the field. Our system ensures that the potatoes retain as much of their delicate skins as possible in order to fully capture the famous Jersey Royal flavour. We apply liquid seaweed when we’re planting and this contributes to the good soil health and also adds to the flavour and texture of our Royals.

Where did the idea to package them and post them come from?

The idea came from the fact that we pack all our potatoes in just the one size small paper bag. Which, with the addition of a small cardboard box makes the ideal postal pack. We heat seal the bags, which ensures the freshness is sealed in!

How far do you send your packages of Royals?

We send them all over the United Kingdom, they make the perfect Jersey gift for friends and family. Other countries will be coming soon, subscribe to our mailing list for the latest information.

What’s your favourite way to eat Jersey Royals?

Boiled and served with no additions!

And where can we buy your Royals from?

Look out for our distinctive stands on island and you can also visit

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