Signature Behaviour: Leaving a trail of artisan-fashioned rose petal confetti behind her as she makes her way back to her Wedding Fayre stand, between the toastmaster and the woman who does handmade wedding favours.

Distinctive Markings: Constantly ringing BlackBerry, an armful of buttonholes and a can of spray paint for the gold doves her latest bride has just requested.

Natural Enemies: Interfering Mothers of Brides

Mating Call: ?Of course chocolate?s far better than marzipan, but I just saw this divine cupcake wedding cake? ?

Congratulations? you?re engaged!  You?re

about to embark on the biggest adventure of your life ? starting with your wedding day.  It?s a day to cherish forever, a fairy tale day you?ve probably been dreaming about since you were old enough to say ?tiara?.  With Confetti, your wedding day dreams can become a reality??

Arabella gave a deep contented sigh as she finished typing up the words for the new Confetti website and shut her pink laptop for the night.  There?s nothing Arabella loves more than thinking about weddings.  It all began when she got her beloved Wedding Fantasy Barbie for her 7th birthday.  With her sparkling veil, serene pink smile and shimmering dress covered in tiny pink roses, Arabella thought the Barbie bride was the most beautiful girl she?d ever seen.  Wedding Fantasy Ken – who came with pink-trimmed morning suit ? had to marry Barbie over and over again, with Skipper and the ugly Sindy acting as bridesmaids.  As the years passed, the weddings got more and more ornate with horse-drawn carriages and wedding chapels made out of Weetabix boxes covered with paper doileys, but two things always remained the same.  Wedding Fantasy Barbie had the most perfect day, and she never stopped smiling.  And after organizing all her friend?s weddings, Arabella realized that they were all just the same as her Barbie ? they wanted a fairytale day, with nothing to disturb their perfect pink smile.  It?s no wonder that Confetti, her wedding planning agency has turned out to be such a success.

Arabella will stop at nothing to make sure her clients have the perfect wedding.  Want a Mamma Mia themed wedding during one of the wettest summers on record?  ?No problem? purrs Arabella, as she tries to turn the White Cottage on windy St Ouen?s  Bay into something resembling a sunny Greek villa, and find a generator big enough to power the karaoke machine. This winter, it was all about Narnia, complete with snow machines and tame reindeer.  It all went beautifully, apart from the disastrous wedding where someone left the ice sculpture table centrepieces too close to the heaters?

Everyone wants her as their wedding planner, because she?s so meticulously organized.  During the wedding day ? or ?your special day? as she refers to it, Arabella wears her headpiece constantly to keep tabs on everything.  It comes in handy for heading off disaster, like the time when the cake maker woke up hungover on one wedding morning and accidentally iced ?Congratulations on Your Weeding Day? onto all three tiers of the cake.  Or when the one of the chihuahuas one bride had insisted on dressing up as her ?pageboys? went missing just before the ceremony.  And Arabella always carries a wedding emergency kit in the back of her Range Rover – a hairdryer to dry out champagne stains, a substitute veil for those brides who insist on having their laser peel too close to their wedding day, and spare knickers for overexcited flower girls, not to mention the powder and touché éclat needed when the bride discovers what the groom really got up to on his stag night.  Not that they?ll find out from her.  She?s so determined that her clients? weddings go well that she?s provided a morning-after rescue service more than once for an errant groom who?s woken up in the wrong place on the morning of his big day.

Arabella?s been so busy with Confetti that when it comes to meeting her own Mr Right, she just hasn?t had time.  She thought it would be easier, after all, aren?t weddings supposed to be the place to meet?  The trouble is that while everyone else is thinking of love and romance, Arabella?s just wondering where the peacocks have got to and whether anyone will notice that the vin d?honneur is cava and not champagne.  And someone really ought to tell her that first-date conversation shouldn?t revolve around which would be better ? a summer or a winter wedding.  After all, ?Wedding Fantasy Ken? was just that? a fantasy.

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