Ed and Keri tell everyone they?ve never been happier since they decided to go off-grid.  It?s always been a dream of theirs to disconnect, to get back to a simpler way of living, they claim and only the most cynical of their friends brings up all those redundancies at Ed?s old firm.  But if they were to be honest, their eco concerns are more of the economic variety than the ecological ever since Ed lost his sky-high City bonus along with his job.

Buying that yurt was the right thing to do ? it takes them back to that flash-packing trip across Spain where they stayed in that totally way-out yurt place, and besides living in a yurt in the middle of their mate?s field is going to make it hard for the credit card companies to track them down.  It?s handy for the beach and the Splash too, just a quick  hike through a field and over some gates, and you?re there ? you just have to remember to avoid St Ouen?s pond when you?re weaving your way back.

Their yurt feels like a real home with a Freecycle sofa, rugs, and a gorgeous old iron bed they found at the Hospice shop.  Very bohemian chic, especially with the tealights and a hookah or two.  All their friends all want a yurt of their own so Ed?s already dabbling in a bit of yurt importing.  They?re telling everyone they can see a gap in the market for Jersey?s first yurt hotel.  ?Once we?ve got ourselves started, we might start a B&B?, says Keri, ?you know, a couple of yurts with sea views, supper under the pergola, cocktails round the hot tub ? it?s such a magical spot at sunset?.

And of course nowadays, living a more natural life doesn?t mean turning into a Seventies-style hippie, it?s all about being less of a consumer.  ?Making the most of what we can get for free? says Ed, which normally includes the WiFi signal from the house up the road for his solar-powered laptop.  Although come to think of it, their neighbours have been decidedly sniffy ever since Ed and Keri spent 6 hours hijacking their internet connection to download Revolutionary Road.  Keri thinks they should just chillax ? nobody should be in that much of a rush to check their emails.  Everyone loves their film nights under the stars and as long as there?s a couple of bottles of wine in the solar-powered fridge, who cares if there?s not much food.  Most of their friends bring pizza with them anyway.

But underneath it all, they?re really only fair weather yurt dwellers ? when it rains they normally end up crashing at Keri?s mum?s place, just up the road.  And they were both a bit relieved when Ed heard he could have his old job back, now the economy?s starting to recover.  They think they?ll keep the yurt for the summer, especially as Florence from Florence and the Machine, an old friend of Keri?s from art school, has promised to come over and play a gig or two in July.  Ed?s can see a business opportunity right there – an impromptu vaguely green festival that they could call Ouestival with organic food, a mobile cocktail bar and a solar-powered dance teepee.   It?ll beat Guernsey?s Vale Earth fair hands-down ? let?s face it, any festival with ?earth? in the title?s never going to be a big seller is it?. Signature Behaviour:

Living off the land by nicking their farmer neighbour?s Jersey royals and making sure they have a proper meal every couple of days round at their mum?s.

Distinctive Markings:

Solar-powered iPod, artistically maintained dreadlocks, a great suntan and the latest George Monbiot.

Natural Enemies:

Suspicious looking States officials

Mating Call:

?The best thing about going off-grid?  It?s the feeling of freedom, the independence.  Oh and not having any bills has been great too?.?

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