FeaturesScreen burners

Screen burners

Shortly there will be a new addition to the Jersey media landscape. Those of you that walk in to town from Sand Street will be met with something vibrant; Jersey?s first outdoor LED display. We caught up with the men behind the project, Payton Guerrier and Warren Holt.


So, tell us about your new project…

W: The model was conceived purely by observing the changing world of advertising. Also experience of the equipment being used at festivals that helped shape the possibility of a fantastic new addition to the media for companies to get products and brand messages out in a public domain. Outdoor is prevalent to all and I can?t think of a better place to advertise in this space than right in the centre of town!

P: The Idea is to create a focal point in St Helier for Communication between the Various states departments, institutions, companies, organisations and the public. There are sites like Times square, Oxford Circus that use the same technology for large scale advertising which also provide news feeds and we felt that it could be done sympathetically here in St Helier. The last thing we want is blanket billboard advertising and feel with the right amount of work we can make the site a landmark displaying interesting, educational and hopefully fun content!

It?s an interesting idea…

W: many of us think of new ideas constantly but it?s the people who take the initiative, manage the risk by selling the idea before setting wheels in motion and executing that idea that enables something to come to fruition.

P: I have a Audio Video and lighting installation company and have been closely following the development of technology and the growing Market in outdoor advertising. This is where I first was educated to this medium. Warren is involved with Marketing and Large format LED displays through his work with Jersey Live. Digital Outdoor Marketing medium such as LED is very powerful, providing visually impacting content in any light condition. The target audience are outdoors, and therefore ones senses are switched on in a different way to when people are sat down reading traditional print or in front of the TV. The idea came about after conversation walking through St Helier discussing these topics and how Jersey could benefit from this.

What is your background?

W: We both started life as Electricians, in fact that is where we met. We both had a passion for technology, music and partying and over the years have developed from there. I?ve been co -running Jersey Live and promoting some of Jersey?s most progressive music events.

P: I moved to UK to work as Technology engineer in one of the biggest recording Studios, oh and and managing Local Band MooG. Warren had a successful Data wiring & electrical business before committing to Jersey Live but still like to roll up his sleeves and pull a screwdriver out!

When are you looking at having the system in place?

It will be in place by the beginning of July

It’s obviously a great advertising medium, what else will the screen carry?

W: The screen will carry public information. World news as it happens on a ticker thread along with local news, weather, sport, events, art and anything that embraces the community of Jersey and the Channel Islands. Ideas welcome please!

P: The screen can carry any digital image including video. We hope it will be used by a wide field of people and organisations. We have already spoken with POSH, Tourism, JEP and local artists and intend getting as much interesting and worthwhile content on the screen. From news, current affairs, weather, travel, sports, culture to animation.



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