FeaturesPink Panther

Pink Panther

A hunt is on for pranksters who dyed a cat pink and tossed it over a garden fence in Swindon.
The RSPCA is trying to trace the owner of the animal and described the culprits as “sick”. The animal was discovered after she was thrown over a fence into a back garden in Swindon, Wiltshire. The dye is not toxic but failed to budge with washing. Vets are looking after the cat – now named Pink – at Cheldene Veterinary Centre and Boarding Cattery in Aldbourne, Marlborough. Veterinary surgeon Penny Gillespie said: “We have no idea what the dye is or how long it will last. It is clearly not toxic but still unpleasant. “The person responsible has covered her thoroughly all over but avoided putting any around the animal’s eyes and nose.”Further washing would stress Pink and probably would not help to remove the colour so it will be case of waiting for it to grow out.”The resident who saw Pink being thrown into their back garden in Wesley Street, Swindon, at 10.30pm on Saturday did not see the person responsible. The naturally white female cat, aged between one and two, is in good health and the fur pattern around her neck suggests she wore a collar until recently.An RSPCA spokesman said it cannot rule out the possibility the cat is someone’s missing pet which was dyed as “a sick prank”.

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