FeaturesPet of the Month: Bobby

Pet of the Month: Bobby

PHOTOS Ollie Jones at Studio_M

Describe your perfect weekend together?

If Bobby had his way, his perfect weekend would consist of waking up in our bed, under the covers, before spending the whole day with his Mum and eating lots of chicken!

If Bobby could speak, what would he say?

He’d be like an excitable little child – running around and going up to all of the pups he meets on the beach saying “Hi, I’m Bobby. What’s your favourite colour?” or just simply asking, “Where’s Mum?”

What’s the naughtiest thing Bobby’s ever done?

Not many students can get away with the phrase “the dog ate my homework” – except for my daughter, Megan. Bobby has been known to eat her homework on many occasions!

What’s one of your favourite memories of Bobby?

I love Christmas and my pride and joy is my tree. I was upstairs once, when Bobby momentarily disappeared. I came downstairs to find him destroying my tree – feathers were everywhere and he looked a bit like a chicken!

What do you do to spoil and pamper him?

I do spoil him and buy him a lot of toys – he tests them out and they last about 5 minutes though! I’m also guilty of buying him treats whenever I do the food shop, so when I come back his little head it straight in the shopping bags trying to sniff them out!


Breed: Cockapoo

Age: 10 months

Distinguishing features: Ears and coat  

Special skills: Ball robbing

Pet hates: Hoover

Creature comforts: Mummy and Daddy’s bed

Human look alike: Lionel Richie

Favourite thing about owner: Gives me treats


Occupation: PA 

Age: 39

Distinguishing features: Lips

Special skills: Baking

Pet hates: Mess

Creature comforts: Bleach

Animal look alike: Meerkat

Favourite thing about pet: Cuddles and kisses

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