

We knew that this month?s investigation would be right up Arnie?s street – everybody knows that he?s a big fan of all things environmentally friendly, and so he couldn?t resist the electric go-karts at the Living Legend Village.

You know, as Governor of California I am always trying to promote cleaner, greener transport but couldn?t help thinking that these go-kart?s just wouldn?t be manly enough for someone of my stature and life experience. Well, you?ll be happy to know that they are just as fast as petrol arrive and drive go-karts but without the noise and fumes.

When I arrived I was asked for an autograph cleverly disguised as a disclaimer but hey, I was in a happy mood so why not? Then came the safety gear fitting and safety briefing. I must say, they are very safety conscious which is always nice to know. A word of warning, no open top shoes are allowed when taking part so if you?re pretending summer is here already, make sure you?re not wearing those flip flops. Don?t worry if you?re quite small as they can easily adjust the pedals and seats for people of all ages and sizes.

After an informative short movie featuring some of my favourite European techno music about coloured flags, not bumping each other, moving out of Arnie?s way because he?s faster, how to secure your helmet and neck brace and other safety messages it was time to get on the track and try this out. Helmets on, hands on the wheel, feet on the pedals. Go.

The 550m course is surprisingly fast for something that looks
so windy and once the tyres warm up (yes, it really DOES make a difference!) you can keep your foot down in places that you wouldn?t expect possible. What you can expect though are speeds of up to 35mph which feels much faster when you?re a mere inch from the ground. Other competitors were spinning the karts trying really hard to keep up with Arnie but you know, it was never going to happen. I?m just better.

Even without the noise of a conventional engine these karts are great fun, and you can hear the tyres squealing far easier! This attraction is definitely a great idea for fathers to show their children who?s boss or for parties and corporate days, where there is a Grand Prix package that comes with a bottle of champagne for the winner! There?s also an offer that allows you to race and use the Adventure Golf facilities too for only £13.50.

My verdict? Four AK?s – I may have big feet, but I like to leave a small carbon footprint. Not to mention the fun factor!

Go-karting takes place at the Living Legend VIllage in St Peter?s Valley, costs £8.75 per 30min session (£8.25 for children over 8) and is open 9-5, 7 days a week. The Living Legend Village can be contacted on 485496 for group bookings or to find out more.

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