FeaturesGallery Gets Fit Part 2

Gallery Gets Fit Part 2

Ok so it’s been lots of mud, sweat and tears, but I’ve dropped a clothes size, and half a stone of weight, and all in only eight weeks….

When we first met Adam, he promised we’d be leaner and meaner at the end of his eight week intensive training programme. We were expecting to lose weight (done) and get fitter (done), but what we weren’t expecting was the change in outlook we’ve had towards exercise.  We hated every minute of the first few sessions, and it was only Adam’s encouragement and motivation that got us through our cliff path runs and sand dune sprints.  Then as the weeks went on, something happened.  We started actually looking forward to our sessions, enjoying the feeling of pushing ourselves, and the rush of adrenaline when we finally got there.

From challenging phobias and swimming a length underwater to climbing ropes, pull ups and distance running, it’s been an incredibly diverse programme of (mostly outdoor) training that we would never have attempted on our own.  We’ve been amazed at our endurance, adrenalin… and stomach muscles we’ve never seen before.

If you want to get fit and lose the flab in two months, I couldn’t recommend this more. Yes, you’ll end up doing things you couldn’t even have imagined, and pushing yourself to the limit, but the reward will be a resculpted body, tons of energy and a huge amount of self belief.  And now that we’re this far, neither of us feel like stopping.  So we’re not.  We’ve not only changed shape, we’ve changed our outlook on exercise too.  We’ve bought new pairs of trainers and signed up for a whole new series of sessions with Adam.  Yep, that’s us running along the front.  Who’d have thunk it…

from the blog

What we did…

Week 5

(day 30)

The halfway point of our training’s past and it’s all uphill from here.  Literally.  When Adam told us to meet him out at Gorey we were puzzled.  Definitely no sand dunes.  What could be waiting for us out east?  Apart from struggling to finish a man-size moules frites, we couldn’t think of too many challenging things about the little harbour village.  We obviously hadn’t noticed the massive hill stretching up from Castle Green.  Hugging the cotil all the way up, it would challenge even the most tractor-ish of Chelsea tractors, let alone a couple of out-of-breath journalists rolling a tyre from bottom to top. Yes a tyre.  The gang of watching builders couldn’t believe it either.

Week 6

(Day 37)

The next session is back in the dunes with Adam carrying a suspiciously heavy rucksack.  A sunny December Saturday afternoon means there’s an audience of families who stop their sand dune-surfing to watch as Adam sets up a long length of thick rope for us to use as a battling rope.  The rope is looped around a fence post, and you hold one end in each hand.  On Adam’s count we have to swing the rope up and down, sending waves along the rope.  It sounds like nothing, but it’s a killer of an exercise – especially when it’s alternated with sprints up and down the dunes.  Then the rope’s tied to the weighted powerbag and we haul it up the side of the sand dune, hand over hand.  Phew.

Week 7

(Day 42)

A leg-burn session on Wednesday – a few fiendish figure of eight circuits of West Park, up and down through the paths and steps from St Aubin’s inner road, down through the park and back up the last steep flight to Westmount Road.  ‘These steps are rather knackering aren’t they…’ said a bewildered man as I reached the top of the last flight, puce-cheeked and practically on my hands and knees. I didn’t have enough breath to explain, but Mr Passerby, if you’re reading this, I had actually just run up six other flights of steps and around the park… twice.

Week 8

(day 46)

Back in the pool at Les Quennevais for our penultimate session and Adam gives us a lung-busting underwater circuit while the other one does muscle ups and dips on the pool edge. It pushes us to the limit, but gets the oxygen going because I manage a full length underwater on my final attempt.  It’s a huge achievement for a borderline aquaphobe like me and I can’t believe I’ve progressed from a panicky metre underwater at the first session to a full 25 metres of calm underwater swimming.




Shirts are all much looser!

10lbs lost in weight

2 inches lost on waist

Fitness and strength levels massively improved


Half a stone lost

Dropped a dress size

2 inches lost on waist

Muscle tone and fitness levels massively improved

Want to do the same?
Get in touch with Adam…
07797 743742
email: adam@ampmtraining.co.uk
Facebook: AMPM Training

You can also get in touch with Adam at the new DW gym at the St Brelade’s Hotel where he’s training for part of the week.



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