Cakery Fakery

Cakery Fakery

Wimbledon College of Arts – London of Arts University,
Fine Art: Print & Digital Media 3rd Year
Previous education : Foundation Art & Design at Highlands College Jersey
Previous Exabitions: La Tabacalera Madrid, 1071miles=1724km Colaborative project between madrid and london students, my project ‘Perspectives’ (this can be viewed on my website)
Tram & Social, London, Group Exhibition.

Claira?s creates a distorted realm, in which elements of reality are brought into awareness. Demanding the attention and contemplation of a subject or making a mocking example on social issues and instincts. Ridiculing issues which are often fought against or for within feminist art.

Claira approaches the idea of seduction, desire and the gaze, often playing with sinister undertones. Situating the viewer within an idea, designed at bringing out particular emotions / thoughts or evaluations. These instillations immerse each individual in a newly structured and rigidly designed aspect of reality.

Working with a combination of still and moving imagery, she presents her relationship of photography and film not as separate mediums but as mediums that can operate together responsive within a piece of art. Also distorting recognizably conventional ways of viewing film + photography, Claira creates original environments, not to view, but experience the imagery. The environment speaks at one with the imagery. The audience is not watching a film or viewing at a photograph, they are part of the work. It is the way in which they relate to the experience of the installation that is the most important aspect to Claira?s art.

?Mind? Your Daffodiles is an immersive installation painting, playing with the themes of self voyeurism, while also taking specific regard to the aesthetics of art vs audience within a gallery space. Claira designed this instillation with the intent to put the audience within a self reflective atmosphere, demanding awareness to their narcissistic attitudes to the self and their view of their self.

Cakery Fakery is a installative film, with live projections integrated within. Cakery Fakery responds to the cupcake as a metaphor, for the way in which women are represented and perceived. Evaluating the relationship to seduction and desire, Claira reflects the animalistic attitudes and uncontrolled instincts humans have, while projecting those views directly upon the viewer. By amercing them within the film with the live feed, she reflects their own gaze and desire to both cupcake and the female.
The pieces, mentioned above that i would like to present to you are still in production, however i can send you production photos of the work, as well as previous work to evaluate. This is a previous film of mine

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