EditoChasing Rainbows

Chasing Rainbows

A friend of mine describes ‘living the dream’ as simply having ‘wifi, a latte and a rollie’. The first time we witnessed his enjoyment of this trinity of satisfaction, the expression became a mantra – to be used at any point where you’ve achieved a sense of Zen, no matter how big or small.

Having a goal to work towards or a dream to pursue is part of what makes us human. It doesn’t have to be MLK-worthy, just something that gets you up in the morning and gives you a sense that you’re not just wasting air. Whether it’s artistic fulfilment, business and financial success or the feeling that you’re helping your fellow man (or woman), this month we meet a variety of people who are in pursuit of a goal in one form or another, each seeking their own state of ‘living the dream’.

Being part of Jersey’s biggest ever art exhibition would certainly be a worthy achievement for a local artist. Later this month, Skipton Big Ideas will open to the public in St Helier’s Town Church, displaying the creative pursuits of thirty artists and twenty large-scale pieces of work. The faces of those that grouped together to present this project (pg. 30) certainly show how art can be a path to satisfaction. Be sure to go and check it out; it’s free to get in.

We also meet the team at Jersey Recovery college (pg.50), individuals who get their satisfaction from helping those with mental health issues find a path to clarity. Given the last 18 months, the ability to relax and maintain a focused and clear mind has certainly not been a given, and it’s good to know there are people there to help.

If achieving a Gordon Gecko level of success is on your life-goal list, our wealth feature in this month’s agenda section is the one for you (pg.92). We also meet a man who has turned his own personal success into a pursuit of good, developing an app that is both a great business idea and helps victims of domestic abuse.

Whether it’s creative output, spiritual clarity or a triple-deck yacht, whatever you’re in pursuit of, crack on. Grab a coffee, scroll for some inspiration and you’re almost there.


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Ben arrived in Jersey in 2003 and established our Gallery magazine title, determined to offer a better quality independent media offering. Holding a degree in Advertising and Marketing Communication and Masters Degree in Marketing, he builds media brands with the emphasis on brand. Ben loves mountains and is fond of penguins (the bird, not the bar).

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