EditoA time to have people around you.

A time to have people around you.

I don’t want to tempt fate, but despite the UK being in their second lockdown, it feels as though there’s light at the end of the Coronatunnel. Since Pfizer announced they have a vaccine ready that will be 90% effective, things are looking up. They released it just after the US voted out Trump too. What a happy coincidence.

Meanwhile, back in Jersey, the States members were busy voting out Charlie Parker for having a side-hustle, yet the majority sticking with John Le Fondre, who was apparently the one who gave him the verbal ‘yeah, go for it’. Taking the moonlighting gig was definitely not consistent with protocol but, honestly, if he’s doing a good job, who cares if he has a few hours here and there doing something else. You wouldn’t tell a colleague they need the sack because they sell cupcakes on the weekend or work a second job for a bit of extra cash. Different monetary parameters, same principle.

It was bad timing, considering that so many people saw their wages cut in half (or cut completely) as a result of Coronavirus. But it wasn’t just wallets that were hurt as a result of the events of this year.  A lot of people have reflected hard on their lives in 2020. Simple things have become important; the ability to just visit family, a luxury. We weren’t able to celebrate together, we weren’t able to grieve together. We’re not designed to be segregated and isolated. It’s just not human.

Speaking of humans, this edition features a ‘more the merrier’ approach. Our cover fold-out features images from Glen Perotte’s 2020: A year of vision, which chronicles islanders’ views of the year; that’s 60 people by page two and it doesn’t stop there. Gallery ‘175’ is packed with you, the people of Jersey. We may not be able to gather in crowds, but we still have strength in numbers.  You might not be able to have as big a Christmas gathering as usual (there will undoubtably be a peak in Zoom usage) but we should be able to spend Christmas with family and friends, free of a lockdown and with a more normal 2021 in sight. Even if it’s one person, give them a hug and start planning an incredible 2021. We’ll see you then.

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Ben arrived in Jersey in 2003 and established our Gallery magazine title, determined to offer a better quality independent media offering. Holding a degree in Advertising and Marketing Communication and Masters Degree in Marketing, he builds media brands with the emphasis on brand. Ben loves mountains and is fond of penguins (the bird, not the bar).

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