Humans need connection. One of the most concerning things about our coronavirus isolation is the way it could affect our tactility, even beyond the time required to contain the threat. Will it cause us to change the way we act, the way we greet each other and our ability to get close to people? Physical connection is important as it defines our being.
It’s that concern that prompted local artist Yulia Makeyeva to create her ‘Jersey Isolation Hug’ project – tackling the uncertainly and creating a tapestry that combines the true length and breadth of the island’s hug potential. She says;
“Current global health situation deprives us of tactile contact which is so important in our lives. Before the lockdown I saw people imitating hug from the distance by stretching their arms in the air and smiling to each other or sending funny pictures in social media with “socially-distanced hugs”. I want to capture islanders’ hugs by creating ‘Jersey Isolation Hug Tapestry”.
Every islander regardless of age is welcome to participate and it’s a fun activity to do with the family or a change to hone your camera timer skills if you live alone. So, set yourself up a good location to measure, grab a tape or do it with string (and measure it after) To do so….
A: email Yulia at with the following:
1) your name
2) the width of your hug (with arms stretched, from longest finger on the right to longest finger on the left hand) and distance from the floor to your stretched fingers.
(do your best to be precise with measurements).
B: Share your photograph on social media capturing the moment of taking measurements of your hug and tag #JerseyIslandIsolationHug

Yulia is using the space above her fireplace for the future tapestry (she’s still waiting for canvas) but she wonders if there is anyone in Jersey who could reach the sides of this wall as “This would truly be the Giant Hug:)”. So streeeeeetch and let’s see who was the biggest span.
The final tapestry will be displayed in Jersey later this year, at a point when we can all rejoin and have as many real hugs as we want. Follow the project on Yulia’s instagram at