Golden retrievers are intelligent, affectionate, and, well, just such good dogs. As puppies, and even fully grown, they’re the pinnacle of a stereotypical...
(and Cara)
Cats have long been associated with being fiercely independent creatures; they don’t need to be walked like their canine counterparts and prefer to...
Paul Mooney
Breed: Hairdresser.
Age: 45
Likes: Banjos Margaritas and a Drifters Scottish breakfast.
Hates: Bad service and sharts!!!
If you were an animal what would you be: Michael...
Breed: Human
Age: 38
Likes: Outdoor living
Hates: People who complain
If I was an animal I would be: A lion
Wants: To play better golf
Interesting facts: I own...
PHOTOS Ollie Jones at Studio_M
Describe your perfect weekend together?
If Bobby had his way, his perfect weekend would consist of waking up in our bed, under...
Carla Nunes
Breed: Human (Homo sapien?! This just made me laugh, I must say)
Age: 28
Likes: Relaxing and reptiles
Hates: Spiders and mushrooms
If you were an animal...
Breed: English Cocker Spaniel
Age: 4
Likes: Anything that I shouldn’t.
Hates: Loud noises.
If I was a human I would be: Without a doubt Forrest Gump! I...