Genuine Articles

Phil Le Maistre

Master Farms, a mixed dairy and vegetable farm, has been in the south-east corner of Jersey since 1841 and Phil Le Maistre (left) is the seventh generation of the...

Andy Hougardy – Andy’s Artisan Bakes

Photography: Danny Evans, Words: Genuine Jersey/Andy Hougardy Andy Hougardy of Andy’s Artisan Bakes has spent...

Benjamin Martin : Jersey Skin

Can you tell us how and why you started Jersey Skin? In 2020 I came...

Marie Braun & Daren Moran

Marie Braun & Darren Moran Woodshed Living Can you tell us about what you do at...

Doug Richardson

Genuine Jersey member, Doug Richardson is from one of Jersey’s oldest farming families, having...

Benjamin Martin : Jersey Skin

Can you tell us how and why you started Jersey Skin? In 2020 I came back to Jersey to drop off my dog Ned and...

Marie Braun & Daren Moran

Marie Braun & Darren Moran Woodshed Living Can you tell us about what you do at Woodshed Living? We create hand-crafted bespoke decorations and furniture using reclaimed...

Doug Richardson

Genuine Jersey member, Doug Richardson is from one of Jersey’s oldest farming families, having played a part in shaping our farming history since the...

Andy Hougardy – Andy’s Artisan Bakes

Photography: Danny Evans, Words: Genuine Jersey/Andy Hougardy Andy Hougardy of Andy’s Artisan Bakes has spent the majority of his working life from the age of...

Phil Le Maistre

Master Farms, a mixed dairy and vegetable farm, has been in the south-east corner of Jersey since 1841 and Phil Le Maistre (left) is...

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