AppetiteAppetite X - the tenth edition

Appetite X – the tenth edition

Ten years ago we set out to create a good quality guide to eating out that celebrated the foodie scene in Jersey. Appetite was born from a lack of inclusivity and creativity among other published guides and, despite dipping in and out of digital, our printed guide is still the best quality presentation of restaurants and eating/drining establishments on the island.

The idea was to ensure we included more venues than any other guide and also added engaging features that captured the imagination of the hospitality industry. What started as ‘The Chef Shoot’, our annual photo rich feature of the staff from the island’s restaurants has become a popular addition to each annual edition. Whether ‘Sharp Knives and Sharp Suits’, ‘Super-sized Desserts’, ‘Last Supper’, or a selection of other themes we’ve chosen over the years, we’ve always loved meeting the teams behind the restaurants and learning a bit more about them. Seeing our shots and interviews displayed proudly in venues makes it all worthwhile.

This year saw us adopt a ‘teams’ theme. We met teams and asked them about their ‘Favourite Dishes’. Many chose to bring one along, sitting at our photographer’s table for the shots shown below. It’s always interesting to get an insight in the mind of someone so passionate about food. Whilst having a lot of people in the shots this year meant we had to keep our questions short, it’s always interesting to learn a little bit more about the food choices of someone who concerns themselves with it on a daily basis. Jersey’s hospitality industry is made all the richer by the wide geographic area from which its workers hail and that was reflected in the selected favourite dishes. It’s also interesting to see who chose from their own menu and who chose to each their mum’s homemade food!

For our local teams feature and the best guide to eating in Jersey, grab yourself a copy of appetite 18/19 now.

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