Active / WellnessSportsperson of the Month: Joshua Troy

Sportsperson of the Month: Joshua Troy


Sport: Anything on two wheels, which includes, sand racing, motorcycle trials, quarter mile sprint, mountain biking, and the latest addition is hill climbs.

What do you do: I’m still at school.

Which school do you attend: Le Rocquier

Favourite ice cream flavour: Strawberry

Favourite animal:Cat

Favourite food: Burritos

What would you wear to a fancy dress party: I’d go dressed up as Toni Bou (He’s a world champion trials rider).

Favourite trials bike expression: Feet up.

Favourite song:Trap queen by Fetty Wap

When and what did you start riding: At the age of seven I started riding an electric Oset trials bike.

What inspired you to start riding: My dad was involved in motorsports when he was younger and the bug just hit me.  I also have great support at the sand racing events and the sprint with my uncle Norman Le Lai, who in his day, competed in both too..

Where has been your favourite place in the world to ride so far: Bourbriac Brittany France

Where and when was your favourite moment in your career so far: It would have to be winning the Yeovale two day trial Youth C Route. And recently breaking the up to 85cc quarter mile sprint record with a time of 15.10 on my first sprint event as you need to be 12 to do these I’ve only just started competing.

How can people get involved in trials biking in Jersey: The youth starting point is The Jersey Classic and Modern Trials Club and then as you improve you can move onto the Jersey Motorcycle & Light Car Club.

You’re still at school, how do you fit in practicing with your school work? With difficulty, I would practice full time if I could.  I’m really lucky as I’ve had a training partner for the last 18 months, his name is Adam Le Cheminant, he’s taught me a lot.

Does trial biking feature in your future plans after school? Yes it does, it’s tough but I would love to be a World Champion competing in both outdoor and indoor championships, I would also like to help train other youngsters.

Do you participate in any other sports? No, unless you count mountain biking, but that’s for fun!

How often do you compete and what competitions have you recently participated in: There’s a trial biking competition once a week from September to April, then there are six to seven sand racing events from April to September with the JMCLCC, then added to that are my newest events, now I’m 12, the sprint and hillclimb.  Plus we look for trial events in the summer months.  My latest off island events have been Bourbriac trial in June and Yeovale two day trial in July, August sees me in to sand racing and the quarter mile sprint.


What’s next: My first hill climb was at the end of August at Bouley Bay and I’m hoping to do the Brittany trials championships next year, so watch this space

Do you have a top tip for aspiring sports people: Yes, don’t give up!

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