Active / WellnessSport News - December

Sport News – December

Mobile Personal Training: Just do it!

It is as good as it sounds. Steve de la Haye from Back2life Fitness will come to your house and train you from within the comfort of your own home. No more having to be around annoying gym bunnies, or even taking time out of life to drive back and forth to the gym. He comes to you. With everything you need to get fit, slim, toned, healthy and happy.

Buying into these personal training sessions means you will actually meet your goals, because without fail Steve will be there three times a week pushing you to get exactly where you want to be. You are your own worst enemy when it comes to achieving fitness goals, it is the easiest thing in the world to find excuses not to go to the gym or to miss a sports session. So if you actually want to change, look and feel better, then booking one of Steve’s packages will help you.

In each of his hour sessions Steve will track your progress, advise you on nutrition and work you out! We sent a Gallery guinea pig to try out a taster session with Steve and she reported; “Wow! I bought a package with him straight after the session! It was so good to be pushed and motivated. In the gym I just potter about, but this was actual training. I loved that Steve took me through every move making sure I was performing it properly so that I built my core muscles. I was surprised at how bad I was at doing simple fitness moves right. To have Steve there correcting my posture and getting rid of all my bad habits (which would have normally led to my sore back and knees playing up) was invaluable. I’m looking to lose half a stone in three months and Steve has devised a plan for me to tone and slim my thighs, stomach and arms, with weekly targets that have to be met! It is brilliant and so motivational. Each session is set to be varied which will keep my interest. Best of all he is such a nice guy. There was a lot of laughing throughout the session, which will just make my tummy flatter quicker!”

So this year, if you are considering another subscription to an expensive gym you’ll barely visit, then visit and check out some of Steve’s packages. It’s at least worth trying him for a taster session to see if it suits you.
Call Steve on 07797750417 to find out more.



James Walker took on Japan’s famous Fuji Speedway for the sixth round of the World Endurance Championship (WEC) earlier this month. This was James’ first visit to Japan and it certainly proved memorable with the race abandoned due to monsoon weather conditions.
The Fuji Speedway is a high speed and technical circuit and, for James, making the most of the limited practice time was vital: “Practice went very well for us. We cycled through all three drivers, giving us all time to get a feel for the circuit. I was due to qualify the car along with my Japanese team mate, ex F1 driver, Shinji Nakano. My laps were good enough for second place and once added to Shinji’s we lined up in fifth. The car had a fantastic balance on the new tyres and we were really looking forward to the race on Sunday.”
What happened on Sunday was out of the hands of the teams and drivers. Race day started under monsoon conditions. The conditions were so bad that the six hour race would start behind the safety car. After only five laps behind the safety car the race was red flagged and brought to a halt. The organisers tried again one hour later but, as before, the standing water was just too bad. A third and final attempt was made to start the race but with no luck. The race was abandoned after 16 laps behind the safety car with not a single racing lap completed. The qualifying positions would therefore become the race result.
Although sorry for the fans, James believes organisers were right to stop the race: “It was a huge shame we didn’t get to put on a show for the thousands of local fans that came out in horrific conditions. It was however the right decision. The well-being of the drivers, marshals and fans is the main priority.”


Role Model For Deutsche Bank Hockey Development Programme Selected To Play At The Futures Cup 

Jersey Hockey player Jenna Volpert has been selected into the Wessex Leopards squad of the England Hockey Futures Cup for the second year.
Following a Coaching and Assessment weekend in May arranged by the Jersey Hockey Association for the Deutsche Bank Development Programme, 17 year old Jenna Volpert will be playing for the Under 18s Wessex Leopards team for her second England Hockey Futures Cup. The event saw English coaches assess the young players with a view to some of them progressing to further sessions in the UK that could eventually lead to an England assessment.
Locally Jenna plays for the Jersey College for Girls First Team, Quackers Hockey Club and represents the Island Ladies 1X1. She also participated in last year’s Irish and English National Championships. Jenna trains with the One Foundation on their strength and conditioning programme and is also helping to coach youngsters on the Deutsche Bank Development Programme.
The Futures Cup competition, which takes place from 31st October to the 3rd November, aims to give younger players first hand experience of an international tournament environment. The Under 18s age group will play a round robin competition over the three days followed by classification matches in the fourth day.

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