Active / WellnessCISA gets rocked to raise funds

CISA gets rocked to raise funds

The Channel Islands Skateboard Association (CISA), Little Green Rock and GreenRock Skateboards have teamed up to raise some money for the Jersey skate park.

Little Green Rock have done a limited number of their eco-friendly bamboo t-shirts with a special design and will donate £5 for each shirt purchased to the CISA to put into a fund for the Jersey skate park.

?I thought it was great news when I read that the island would finally be getting a proper skate park? said Buter from GreenRock Skateboards.   ?I?ve been on the island for about six years now and this has been an issue for as long as I?ve been here.  My boy has already started to skate and I really like the idea of there being a place where I know he can go and ride his skateboard all day and not get in trouble for doing it!?.

With a large chunk of change already set aside by the States for the skate park, you might wonder why anyone is trying to raise more money for the project.  When talking to Jake Hipwell, the president of the CISA, he simply says that they are looking for outside funding to provide the skateboarders on the island with the best skate park possible.  Jake says that the CISA are also trying to ensure that there will be money to maintain the skate park and keep it safe after it is built.

?We printed 300 of these shirts for the skate park campaign?, says Debbie from Little Green Rock, ?so we?re aiming to raise £1,500 for the park fund.  As we are still quite a small company we are trying to find another corporate sponsor to match our donations to bring the total to £3,000.  It might not sound like a lot of money to some, but it certainly is to us and it will be put to good use.?

The shirts can be found on the Mens section on .

For more information

Check out the CISA website (, or call Buter on 077977331591.

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