George Solh


Name? George Solh

Age? 48

Job? Manager Jersey Surf School


What have you got going on at the Surf School this summer?

Apart from our basic beginner lessons, we have a whole programme for the summer with our all day surf camps and our half day mini surf camps starting from the 20th of July and running till September. The camps run 5 days concurrently Monday to Friday and cover a whole load of beach safety and surf safety subjects as well as of course getting in the water for structured surf session twice a day conditions and tides permitting.


When did you start surfing? 

I started surfing when I was living in Tenerife in the mid eighties soon after leaving the army, when some of the locals got me a board and got me surfing on Spanish Left.


What is your favourite surfing memory?

Surfing in California with 20 dolphins copying every turn I made under my board and jumping out the water right next to me and what seemed like laughs all round.


Complete this sentence, “not many people know that I…”

…was in the French Foreign Legion.


Tell us about your favourite Jersey day AT the beach…

Last year was my first season here but I do remember that it involved spending the whole day sunbathing by the wall with my family broken up by some good surf sessions in 4 foot waves sunny skies and no wind.


Favourite Dance moves?

Hula Hula.


Pet hate?

People who don’t hold doors open for you.



Guilty Pleasure?

When I open a packet of biscuits I have to finish it in one sitting.


What is the secret to being good at surfing?

Living close to the ocean.


Any accidents?

Broken nose and lots of stitches from fin cuts.


What’s your favourite surfing phrase?

It’s pumping.


Have you done any competions recently?

I’m involved through judging and then coaching. I started judging in Costa Rica where I live half the year when I first got qualified as ISA judge and had the opportunity to work with the Costa Rican Pro tour. After a couple of years on the tour, I ended up coaching a group of the top Grommets of Santa Teresa, 2 of whom ended up surfing for the National team. This year I am training the Jersey Junior Surf Team for National & European Competitions.


When is your next competion?

The Euros Juniors in France in September.


How are you preparing for it?

We’ll be setting squad training sessions to whip the groms into shape and improve their existing techniques.


How can people get into surfing in Jersey?

A good idea is to try a lesson to set you up with the safety aspects and the basic technique, then I guess get kitted up with a wetsuit, at least till you’re good enough to buy a board suitable to your level.


Call us at the Jersey Surf School on 

484005 to find out more

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